
I'm having trouble trying to stain mouse IL-4 from Th2 cells polarized in vitro.

I've been purifying CD4+ cells from BABL/c spleens with magnetic beads and culturing them in CD3/CD28 pre-coated wells in presence of IL-2, IL-4, aIFNg and aIL-12. At day 2 I add fresh media complemented with IL-2 and leave them for 3 more days. Finally, I harvest the cells and stain intracellular cytokines for ulterior FACS analysis.

In polarized Th1 cells I ussually get 40-70% IFNg producing cells, but I get no mark at all for IL-4 in Th2.

PS: Th2 seems to differ morphologically and present differential lectin binding from undifferentiated controls (Th0, cultured in media only with IL-2). I'll check it anyway out by ELISA (discarding supernatant before media change to make sure the IL-4 is secreted from the cells), but I really need to detect IL4 producing cells via FACS.

Any suggestions? Someone had the same issue?

Thanks for reading,

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