9 Questions 147 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Carmen Wrede
Dear friends and not-friends, I would like you to discuss the following definition:Evil means that a person makes intentionaly use of opportunity and expedient or motivates on purpose a third...
01 January 2017 4,706 0 View
Hello,what we already know is, that idea of aether of Aristotle imagined it is of course nonsense. It was a nice idea about what space might be when he imagined it to be like a liquid in which...
01 January 2017 899 2 View
Dear all, for statistical reasons I would like to have a set of data from double slit experiment. Yet browsing the web I could not find anything. Does anyone of you know a website or ressource...
04 April 2016 4,104 11 View
The more I read about this topic the more I come to the conclussion that the term 'race' does not at all properly reflect what science nowadays tries to express. Yet it is still a most widely...
06 June 2015 6,708 1 View
Dear researchers, this is a very essential question based on the work of Kubanek et.al. about reward and punishment that has lately run the media where it was taken to suggest to punish bad...
05 May 2015 4,651 0 View
Let's assume someone is looking for potemkin villages. He knows about several characteristics that fall under the aspect "potemkin" (for definition please use search engine). He is travelling the...
08 August 2014 5,935 1 View
Also one might think this is a joke I have already seen such a discussion. Unfortunately linked to physical discussions which maybe did arise out of a misunderstanding of the word...
08 August 2014 2,718 8 View
I very often find the term "K12". But what exactly is K12? Is it a manual for intervention for teachers? Is it a term for studies which deal with education? Is it limited to topics which deal with...
06 June 2014 2,123 2 View
I am wondering if meditation can have negative side effects and if there are any studies with regard to brain or brain chemistry or hormone systems which deal with this issue. Also, what is your...
05 May 2014 3,204 57 View