Hi friends,

My university recently switched from using the ICDD Powder Diffraction PDF-4+ database for identifying minerals by XRD to a program called Match!3.

For identifying bulk samples, Match!3 seems to work just fine. But I'm also analyzing clay and zeolite mineralogy, and the Match!3 program doesn't seem to know how to identify many of these minerals... I type them into the "search" field and nothing happens.

Also, when I import data, and run the "search-match" option, I get a list of chemical formulae rather than mineral names... when I used to use the ICDD PDF database, I could turn off the "common phase" database and switch on the "mineral name" database. Does anyone know if there is a way to do that in Match!3?

It's incredibly frustrating for my undergraduate students to use Match!3 because they aren't familiar enough with (the highly variable) chemical formulae of zeolites and/or clay minerals to know what minerals the program is identifying when it spits out this list of massive formulae with no mineral name attached. (And sadly, my university has decided to no longer pay for the ICDD PDF access, so I think I might be stuck with using Match!3 for now).

Thanks for your help!


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