35 Questions 792 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gert Nolze
I know that this is a very difficult question, as the areas of application can vary greatly. However, if you want to operate low as well as high resolution (from a few millimeters to nanometers),...
03 February 2021 5,183 4 View
Ladies and gentlemen, I have a favor to ask of you. If you've collected beautiful and back-corrected EBSD patterns of preferably non-cubic phases... could you send them to me along with the...
31 March 2020 9,436 2 View
Known are the length in a triangle ABC of a tetrahedron ABCD, i.e., also all angles between A, B and C are known. The position of D is, however, unknown, but the angles between all edges to D,...
27 July 2019 6,457 3 View
We need an artefact-free preparation of AA2024-T3 for EBSD investigations? Does anybody have recommendations?
03 August 2018 3,738 13 View
We are often talking about martensite, however, martensite is as far as I know never listed as phase in a database like ICSD. Asking metal physists they told me many years ago that martensite is a...
03 December 2017 493 20 View
Orientation can be only described by rotations in order to transform one grain into another. If a twin is described by a mirror operation the "left variety" will be then transformed into the...
25 July 2017 1,720 3 View
Who can share information about the crystallographic texture of hammered gold or gold leaf?
15 February 2017 4,482 3 View
For orientation measurements by EBSD we need to transfer *.ctf-files (Channel text file, HKL Technology/Oxford Instr.) into *.ang-files (TSL/EDAX). Both are ASCII formats and mainly contain the...
01 November 2016 8,641 13 View
Parallel planes in reciprocal lattice can be easily distinguished by terms like ZOLZ (zero order Laue zone), FOLZ (first order Laue zone) etc. Is there any therm which is equivalent in crystal...
25 August 2016 4,461 4 View
Crystal structures consisting of stacked layers can be described by Ramsdell notation. Thus, cubic-closed packed (ccp) is given by a sequence ABC....or 3C, whereas hcp (hexagonal-closed packed) is...
29 July 2016 1,890 6 View
For many years I am using an SEM (scanning electron microscope) with variable pressure (i.e. low vacuum) which dramatically helps if any kind of charging occurs. Often only a very small chamber...
04 November 2015 7,403 3 View
Especially for long term investigations like element or orientation mapping in scanning electron microscopy a clean sample is required in order to prevent drift. Often plasma-cleaning is...
04 November 2015 1,238 13 View
Energy dispersive and wave length dispersive X-ray spectroscopy are complementary techniques where the first is quite fast and (theoretically) enables the observation of all elements...
09 October 2015 906 33 View
Also nowadays where everything will be zoomed during printing the magnification is given, although this does not match to the often also given scale bar. Is this still acceptable, or shouldn't...
25 September 2015 6,418 34 View
There are several proof now that the TKD (Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction) signal is formed at the lower surface of the sample. How big is the fraction of electrons which pass the sample without...
07 September 2015 8,235 3 View
The increasing gnomonic distortion in TKD patterns is obviously a problem which is not to be underestimated. The results are misindexings caused by wide bands which preferably appear for phases...
06 September 2015 6,369 12 View
For crystalline materials containing more than one phase, e.g. for mineralogical samples but also for some technical products like steel or Ti-Al, is it meaningful to display the microstructure by...
17 February 2015 7,020 8 View
Because of the superimposition of multiple orders of interferences, but also because each band is affected by any other band since each lattice plane is intersected by all other planes, the...
10 January 2015 2,132 8 View
What is the (real) reason for the 70 degrees tilt of samples used for EBSD investigations?
01 November 2014 2,225 8 View
In EBSD a common believe exists which claims that cubic phases are easier to index than phases of lower symmetry. Since only the (pre calculated) interplanar angles are used - except of the...
30 October 2014 3,698 5 View
An essential problem interpreting EBSD patterns is the correct selection of phases, especially when they are not cubic so that the chosen phase affects the hit rate or the accuracy of the pattern...
20 October 2014 8,086 11 View
Which pattern center definition for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) do you prefere and why?
18 October 2014 7,889 8 View
Typically the precision (not accuracy) of EBSD measurements is assumed to be 0.5...2 degrees which is certainly a very rough description since it depends on many factors like pattern and Hough...
15 October 2014 8,315 14 View
Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in SEM is a powerful technique. Unfortunately it has the reputation to be difficult in use and interpretation. Moreover, obviously several limitations or...
19 September 2014 9,139 3 View
We measured a microstructure of hydrothermal Au by EBSD and EDS which contains locally a small amount of Ag. The pure gold areas are not separated as grains but obviously linked to large angle...
26 August 2014 1,456 6 View
Faster measurements are a very understandable desire. Especially in analytics applied in scanning electron microscopy mainly two opportunities exist: increase of the source intensity (beam...
25 August 2014 6,071 6 View
I need EBSD patterns from beta-quartz but do not have a heating stage in SEM. Is it possible to get high-quartz prepared and investigated below the transformation temperature because of...
08 August 2014 8,449 3 View
A (materials) phase is defined by either a unique structure and/or chemical composition. When phases are very similar (e.g. doping, solid solution), when do we start to talk about different...
16 July 2014 6,291 19 View
Electron beam diameter, spot size, and pixel size of the image are typical parameter to describe the the scanning behaviour of an SEM. Investigating small-grain microstructures like martensite at...
26 June 2014 5,373 2 View
Except of polarization direction.
28 May 2014 8,631 9 View
Although martensite is described as phase containing a small amount of carbon, in databases it is not listed as a specific phase. Like bainite it is described as microstructure and not as phase....
26 May 2014 6,032 26 View
Does anybody know a phase which crystallizes in the same trigonal point group but in space groups with different alignments of the symmetry elements, e.g. in 312 or 321, or 3m1 or 31m, 3c1 or 31c...
14 May 2014 7,506 3 View
Is it really common to substitute "i" and "t" by a dot, i.e. instead of (hkil) and [uvtw] in crystallographic journals (hk.l) and [uv.w] are preferred? Is this the only advantage that h,k,i...
30 April 2014 2,870 5 View
Originally Rietveld introduced the pattern refinement for crystal structure determination using powder diffraction data. It still took nearly 20 years until the least-square approach has been...
29 March 2014 509 18 View
If magnetite and hematite transform into each other they keep the close-packed O framework and obviously use partial dislocation movement to change between hexagonal and cubic stacking sequence....
28 December 2013 1,284 1 View