Dear All,

I performed the Co-IP to see the binding and co-localization of STAT3: and NFkB p50 in Human PBMcs

Co- immunoprecipitation were performed on PBMCs (4×106) from cells treated with and without IL-6. Co-IP experiments results showing that NFkB p50 is co- immunoprecipitated with STAT3.

My queries are:

1. In my co-ip experiment, I pull down with NFkB p50 antibody at 4 degree overnight incubation, then after I used STAT3 (MW 78kD), antibody as a primary antibody in the western blot.

After developed the blot through ECL, I got a bands around 78kD.

My exact question is how we find the co localisation of STAT3 &

NFkB.?? Did I want to one more band of NFkB p50 subunit in Blot?

I attached the blot picture.

Please help me out.

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