I have an unusual problem in deciding how to place this article I wrote with two colleagues. I am a psychological trauma expert, but also a statistician. During COVID, as my students turned to working online more often, I developed in interest in the methods psychologists use to identify data integrity and to decide how to remove problematic subjects. So we did a prevalence study using 1500 randomly selected publications utilizing MTurk and tracked how they made their decisions. Then we developed a category system of techniques, and wrote a critique of how well each technique worked and a how-to description of how use it most effectively. I’ve published a few papers in Psych Bull and planned it for that journal. I sent my first draft out to friends and got the most positive response I’ve ever gotten for an article, with virtually every one saying that they would use the information in their own work and asking to cite it. But here’s the problem. After finishing it, I sent it to a friend who has been an associate editor at times for Psych Bull, and, while joining the rave reviewers, he thought that it simply was not likely to be accepted in that journal given that it was not really a lit review of a content area. He suggested Psych Methods, but that journal has tight page limits, and is much more mathematical in its typical selection. I’m trying to write to be useful to the typical psychological researcher studying psychopathology, attitude, etc. online. Weirdly, although this is not my typical PTSD/dissociation paper, it may be one of the more important papers that I have written, but I’m worried that I just won’t be able to find a home for it. I’m even willing to consider journals that are pay to play, which I’ve never done before, if I can’t find a fit. Do you have any ideas?

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