I have a drug which is only soluble in DMSO and I need to inject postnatal mice via IP for 5 days. The stock concentration of the drug is 5 mg/mL, and the needed injection dose for the mice is 70 mg/kg.

I had calculated that a 1 gram mouse or 0.001 kg mouse would require a 70 uL injection/daily if I diluted the 5 mg drug stock to 1 mg/mL working solution however, the DMSO % is then around 25%.

Instead I thought to make a dilution of the 5 mg stock to 250 ug/mL. Therefore a 1 gram mouse would receive 280 uL/daily and the DMSO % is around 5% which seems to be what others have suggested from what I have seen.

Firstly can anyone advise if my calculations are correct? and if the volume of fluid to be injected is ok for a mouse so small.


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