Dear Dave

I am working on a protein (around 125KD) and I have got some mysterious things regarding the purification so I need your help. The protein was expressed using pET28a vector in E.coli BL21, then purified by affinity chromatography, then repurified by gel filtration, and I got three peaks at 115ml, 130ml and 155ml (around 700KD, 400Kd, and 250KD respectively) and when I checked the fraction by SDS-PAGE I found a good amount of my protein plus clear secondary bands around (70kd and 45kd) and other few faint bands.  At the beginning I thought that this is due to protein degradation, but after 1-2 week storage at 4C I found the same without any further degradation. Then I sent the third peak, which I thought my protein as a dimer, to mass spectrometry and I found that the sample is a mixture of four protein. Please do you any idea how to explain these three peaks in the gel filtration and purify the protein and get rid these nonspecific proteins?

Many thanks


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