I specifically need to know whether the OD reading has to be taken at 600 nm. Generally growth curve analysis is done at 600 nm.

One paper mentions that the turbidity reading for M9 media is taken at 460nm (The Role of Glycerol and Isopropyl Thiogalactoside in Escherichia coli Growth and Lactose Induction of β-Galactosidase, Law et. al, 2002). Can i also take my growth curve readings at 460 nm ?

Another paper (Effect on β-galactosidase synthesis and burden on growth of osmotic stress in Escherichia coli, Malakar et. al, 2014) performs growth curve analysis at 595 nm.

So what is the correct OD for growth curve analysis? Please suggest papers which provide the protocol for the same, if possible.

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