How we are getting High Optical resolution up to nanometer level in the Far field excitation and Near field Collection configurations of NSOM probe??
case1. It is understood that if we are illuminating the Nanostructures with Near field excitation (NSOM probe) and Far field collection (through objective) configuration,then
the interaction of the Near field (evanescent field) with the sample results in scattered light (propagating wave): the signal is s eventually collected in the far-field detector......
case2. But If I am doing the same experiment in reverse way ie; illuminating the Nanostructures with Far field excitation (through normal objective) and Near field collection (NSOM probe) configuration,then
How I can get the high resolution image?? because at the vicinity of the sample there will be a presence of evanescent wave, but it will be non-propagating..then how we can detect it even though we are using the NSOM probe for the collection ??