Hi, Community!

Here is another interesting question.

In short:

3 groups of samples representing different conditions (2 treatments and Control).

Measured variable - % T cells in blood.

Measurments were done at different time points - 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks post-infection.

At week 6, samples in both treatment groups started to die (don't aks me how does it cope with "treatment"), and at last time point one group was completely eliminated.

3 groups + time as a factor lead to repeated measures two way ANOVA with Tukey post-analysis selection to compare differences between groups at each time point and between time points. Which is impossible, because it requires that each sample was presented at each time point. Therefore only time frame between 1-4 weeks (before samples started to die) allows to use this analysis.

If I use non-repeated measures mode, it allows missing samples, but not allows missing groups, which is time point 8 for one of the treatment groups, where all samples gone. So I can cover 1-6 weeks time frame with this mode. Last week with 2 remaining groups... Should I analyse them using two way anova only for these two groups with Sidak post analysis and reposrt values for week 8?

What is the correct way to handle kinetic data with fluctuating sample size and missing groups? What would be the solution in the context of GraphPad Prism 7?

I am not really care about differences between time points in this case. The focus is to see effect within exact time point.

Thank you!

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