The gravitating objects that are at rest, or move without acceleration, create a standing gravitational wave in space. The length of this wave is a quantization step of the gravitational field. It is proportional to the mass of the gravitating object. The coefficient of proportionality is a value that is inverse to the linear density of the Planck mass, that is, proportional to the linear rarefaction of the Planck mass. A physically standing gravitational wave is a curvature, deformation of space under the influence of the gravitational field of a gravitating object. If we imagine a gravitating object as a material point, then the geometric picture of a standing gravitational wave can be represented as a set of hierarchical spherical equipotential surfaces embedded in each other, the radius of which changes away from the center of gravity by the value of the quantization step. The quantum of the gravitational field is the square of the speed of light in a vacuum. The quantum of the gravitational field is equal to the gravitational potential of the gravitating object at a distance from it equal to the quantization step.

See, please, preprint:

"Quantum of the gravitational field. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of the gravitational electromagnetic resonance."

Preprint Quantum of the gravitational field. Theoretical and experime...

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