I will explain my question with a simple hypothetical example.
I have a dataset with nodules of the thyroid gland, containing the next three categorical variables:
1. Scan. The value is either "cold" or "hot".
2. Size. The value is either "small" or "big".
3. Risk. The value is either "benign" or "cancer".
Now, I would like to combine the values of the first two variables, to create four new categories:
1. "cold" nodules that are "big"
2. "cold" nodules that are "small"
3. "hot" nodules that are "big"
4. "hot" nodules that are "small"
I want to do this in order to create a crosstab:
The columns would include the 4 new categories I created by combining the values of the two categorical variables "Scan" and "Size". The rows would include only "Risk" ("benign" or "cancer").
How could I do this in SPSS, starting with the original dataset?