I would really appreciate some help interpreting the output from my simple mediation analysis using PROCESS macro in SPSS please.
For context, the X predictor is severity of nausea and emesis in pregnancy (PUQE), the hypothesised mediator M is emetophobia (SPOVI), and the outcome Y is parental stress (PSS).
I believe the overall indirect effect of X on Y is significant, [Effect = .1094, 95% C.I (.0070, .2603)] however, when you look at the significance of the individual paths, a = 1.1232 (.3070) is significant at p = .0003, but b = .0974 (.0532) does not reach statistical significance at p = .0686.
I am stuck as to how to best interpret this result - is it the overall indirect effect that matters, or the significance of the individual paths? Why would one be significant but not the other?
I have attached the full output, thank you in advance for any help/insight.