I have a pdb file of a protein and a small molecules, respectively and I want to get a diagram like this figure, but I don't know how can I do it. I ask for your help if you have used this software.
I got the docking result in PDB file, either from autodock or form Patchdock, or anyother docking software.
First get the docking done. Ligplot is just a tool to view the docking result. It does not provide any docking facility. So, first dock your protein and ligand in any docking tool and then u can view the result in LIGPLOT.
While loading the result PDB file in Ligplot, you would have to choose the correct ligand to view, for eg., if your Ligand's 3digit code is 3AU or something, then choose that one, cause Ligplot displays all possible ligand like molecule associated with your protein.