Hi all,
I am dealing with a very stubborn fungal contamination issue in my mammalian cell cultures. I could really use some pointers for how to get rid of the contamination at present and how to prevent it in the future. I have attached photos.
Measures I have already taken include:
- Deep cleaned the inside of the incubator and culture hood with a strong, broad spectrum, quaternary ammonium disinfectant.
- Clean the water reservoir, autoclave the water before refilling, and adding water conditioner.
- Threw away all disposable materials such as pipette tips, falcon tubes, culture flasks, well plates, contaminated reagents, etc., and replaced them with new, sterile materials.
- Autoclaved all non-disposable materials such as aspirator tips, micropipettes, beakers, shelving units in my incubator, aspiration flask and tubing, etc. and replaced them with new sterile materials.
- Washed all lab coats.
- Purchased new reagents and filtered all remaining reagents and media.
- Threw away my cell cultures and restarted with plating brand new frozen cells (passage 0, primary MSC line).
- I already use pen/strep in my medium.
- I plated 'contamination test' well plates with fresh medium, containing no cells, to see if I observed any signs of contamination growth for 1 week in the incubator prior to re-starting the cell cultures. I observed nothing at all. No media changes, no turbidity, no observations under the microscope or visible to the naked eye so I thought I was in the clear.
- All newly passaged cells were seeded on -sterilized sample discs, as can be seen in the photos, which were sterilized in samples containers, in the autoclave at 121C for 45 minutes.
- I have ordered (1) Normocin Antimicrobial Reagent and, (2) Amphotericin B Solution to add to the culture medium. I have yet to add these new antimicrobial bioreagents to the medium but will do so as soon as they are delivered.
With all the measures I have taken already-- I still have no clue where this contamination is coming from nor how to get rid of it other than completely starting over again as I had already done. This is the first time I have ever seen colony formation and hyphae in my cell cultures. Can anyone please give me some advise?