I have the following dataset:
SQ - SEX - Weight - letter - duration - trail - quantity
1 - male - 15KG - abc - Year 1 - 2 - quantity 1
- Year 2 - 3 - quantity 2
2 female - 17KG - cde - Year X - 4 - quantityx
- 16KG - Year Y - 6 - quantityy
- Year Z - 3 - quantityz
.... etc...
I want to make a prediction model that predict the quantity, but using classic machine learning models ( not deep learning ones, like LSTM or RNN ), i.e. linear regression, SVM , .. such that:
predict quantity of n individual at a certain duration ( duration A) what will be the quantity ?
n - male - 25KG - xlm - 34 - A - ?
What is the best was to treat and pre-process duration , trail and quantity features before fitting them to preserve their correlation with the target quantity ?