I am solving a transinet convection-diffusion equation
u_t + a*u_x - nu*u_xx = 0 in (0,1)
Convection coefficient a = 1
Diffusion coefficient nu = 0.005
Number of elements = 100
I got Peclet number Pe = 1
For same case now,
Time step = 0.01
End time = 0.6
I got Courant number C = 1
I need following 4 conditions to fulfill.
1). C =1 and Pe = 5
2). C =1 and Pe = 100
3). C =3 and Pe = 5
4). C =3 and Pe = 100
My question is:
What should be the value of
"Convection coefficient a",
"Number of elements",
"Diffusion coefficient nu",
"Time step" and
"End time"
to get these 4 results separately.