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Questions related to Computational Fluid Mechanics
An aircraft is consist of many sub-parts , while estimating the Reynolds number and y+ value first layer height which length do we consider as the characteristic length to be used in the...
16 March 2020 8,172 4 View
I want to model a part of a river in Ansys-Fluent. The discharge and the water surface level at downstream (or outlet) are known. The model is multi-phase VOF (water+air) and Open Channel option...
08 March 2020 2,019 3 View
I am doing a numerical study of a new model of a heat exchanger and there are no previous studies on the same geometry that the study was conducted on. Is there a way other than conducting...
02 February 2020 9,306 9 View
I am trying to calculate flow parameters of the multi stage subsonic axial compressor using Ansys CFX. But it turned out that the solver cannot find the solution. In all cases an "OVERFLOW" error...
12 December 2019 2,697 3 View
In our experiments with shear-thinning supensions, should we consider the viscosity change with change in shear rate? E.g., capillary number (Ca) and Reynold's number (Re) both contain viscosity...
06 June 2019 9,639 5 View
Is it possible to transfer the solution from one Ansys CFX module to another Ansys CFX module to use the solution from the first Ansys CFX module as a boundary condition at the inlet of the second...
06 June 2019 2,135 6 View
Can some one give me details for the application of QUICK scheme to 2d lid driven cavity? Best Regards
14 March 2019 7,325 10 View
Hello Everyone , Hope you are doing great . I am simulating a 3D wing of aspect ratios a) 0.5 b)1 c)1.5 d) 2 Why is it so that as I move from AR=0 to AR=2 the difference between CFD and...
08 February 2019 2,167 2 View
Hello Everyone , I am running a 3D simulation of an airfoil . The results I am getting for drag or lower than that of experimental results . I wanted to know could I calculate the value of lift...
30 January 2019 4,943 3 View
I am simulating (CFX) a pipe with a turbulence promoter in it. I am using RNG k-e turbulence model yplus is lower than 1. For mesh independency analysis I am using turbulence kinetic energy as a...
30 January 2019 6,949 8 View
Right solve or not, if during all iterations Ansys CFX Solver manager writes, that he set up artifical wall on the outlet (in my case) ? Howewer, all residuals has attained the level required and...
19 August 2018 6,717 4 View
I'm looking for experimental data about the free surface elevation downstream of a horizontal cylinder in shallow water flow. Ideally for different Froude- and Reynolds numbers in a 2D setting....
15 August 2018 4,553 3 View
I'm trying to calculate valve of steam turbine in Ansys CFX (i'm using single phase material - water ideal gas).I'm getting that the mass flow rate in the inlet zone is not equal to the mass flow...
12 August 2018 7,490 10 View
I have a a strain rate as well as the shear rate of a flowing material, do these quantities have any relation? Can I compute the viscosity using these?
05 May 2018 7,003 0 View
Hi dear all, may I ask that why do we need to execute the flux splitting procedure for Navier-Stokes equations ?
04 April 2018 2,768 0 View
One of OpenFOAM standard solvers is sonicFoam. It is a transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, turbulent flow of a compressible gas. But there are little resources over the internet. Can...
26 March 2018 7,948 3 View
Which programming language is the best to use in CFD? FORTRAN, MATLAB or any other? Is there difference between the performance of these codes and applications such as OpenFOAM?
17 February 2018 7,100 61 View
As usually the trend is a Courant number (CFL no) can only be used for a Transient( Unsteady) flow condition. Thank you in Advance.
12 February 2018 438 5 View
Generally after the calculation has been run and during post processing of results in either FLUENT or CFD-POST.
30 September 2017 2,752 3 View
I'm simulating a cold flow analysis (methane-air) on fluent, using species transport model. The model has around 5 millions meshes with tetrahedrons and swept bodies. I use "realizable k-epsilon"...
21 September 2017 3,113 5 View
I am exploring OpenFOAM for turbomachinery simulations. Whenever I try to resume simulation from its previous state, I observed that time step continuity diverges. How to resolve it?
31 July 2017 1,791 5 View
I am trying to simulate a model in FLUENT that the geometry shape is varying by time. I generated different geometry/mesh for each time step and i want to subsequently replace the new mesh each...
22 July 2017 4,644 9 View
I want to consider natural convection in tubes. Which models and controls should I use in Fluent?
13 July 2017 2,284 6 View
I want to simulate ground coupled heat exchanger with fluid flow in .I defined the interface between fluid and the pipe and soil with pipe manually by create new named selection. The problem that...
07 July 2017 6,760 8 View