Hi there.
I have to use the pET28a-SUMO vector to get my target protein.
However, I can‘t separate it from SUMO tag.
My protein was about 15 Kda big and has a about 5 value of pI.
Due to the process next is about X-ray diffraction.
How I can i get my protein without tag or without 80% tag?
After tag on/off-columns cleavage, my protein will stick on the Ni column if I want to remove the tag only if I introduce buffer with imidazole. But buffer with imidazole will bring the SUMO tag down even you use 10mM imidazole.
How can i get my protein without SUMO tag ??????
I have tried ion exchange chromatography and It was not work.
6His tag only? Inclusion body.
MBP tag?TEV is trash enzyme and same problem when i remove the tag.
GST tag?A little of protein is soluble.