I think its yeast contamination. Try to use 2X antibiotic in Media and keep changing the media for every 16-24 hrs. Continue these steps form 2 passages you will see the changes. the gradually u can eliminated these steps.
If possible send the cell photo , it always helps for better analysis.
Stressed cultures or cultures that have been passaged too many times would leave debris that look like black dots between cells. Are your cells growing as fine healthy spindles without clumping ? Else, as Phani kashyap S suggested, it could be a contamination. You can add Nystatin or low concentrations of Amphotericin B to see if it solves the issue. Hope this helps. And do add a picture if possible.
Thanks to @ Phani and Praveesh for your suggestion. I am using plasmocin for a long time. The concentration of plasmocin is around 12.5 ug/ml. The number of passages is high. If I wash the cell thrice with PBS, the dots go off. The next day again, it reappears. Can I preserve the cell line with this background?
These are not contamination. I am pretty sure. Previously we stored this type of cell line, but dots were visible from day 2. So we treated with plasmocin to make sure it gets eliminated. But after 1 month facing the same issue.