Hi Subha, there are many websties where you can get a guideline on how to read the pole figures. When I first started to work with the EBSD data, this following website helped me alot;
You can go over everything here to get a basic understaning on how pole figures are constructed.
Also, if you want to find any dominant orientation, inverse pole figure might be a good idea to use. Nevertheless, when you will get how they are constructed, you can interpret the data and get the related information.
A very fundamental question. I would hardly recomment to look into a book about crystallography, texture or EBSD. A good explanation is indeed the website recommended by S. Choudhury, but there are plenty of good explanations in internet as well. Since you want deal with an EBSD system you could also visit a teaching course of the respective vendor of your system. They also can explain their terminology since this does not have to be identical from system to system. Another alternative is the free-available Matlab toolbox MTEX which is a very powerful instrument for texture analysis using EBSD (and XRD) data. There you can practically generate any pole figure or stereogram you need. Who needs a little bit more than the (black-box) tools offered by the EBSD companies should spend more time since nearly everything is available and will be continuously extended. A running Matlab is of course presupposed, but in comparison to the prices of commercial EBSD software even a Matlab licence is cheap. And MTEX is under continuous development and one can "generate" own "components" and you have everything under control, whereas for commercial software you only can hope that these guys understand what they are doing (which is definitely not always the case since they usually develop new tools only under pressure from prospect customers, so that at least specific tools extended to all crystal symmetries might be defective since never tested). Here MTEX is clearly better since you can contact the developer or a quite active community. It has definitely also bugs but they will be removed very soon after detection. For commertial software you need to wait until the next version or patch. And during operation of MTEX you understand much more about that what you are doing since there are not simple buttons to press (what you can programm in Matlab by yourself). In MTEX you have to write scripts. This has remarkable advantages since you can use them again and again and you still know later what did you do during data analysis.