I want to label PA with several fluorophores to assay phagocytosis and phagosomal processes. Unfortunately the bacteria aggregate during the labeling process (both live and heat killed @ 80C 30min). I do not have this problem when labeling E.coli.

Method: Grow liquid culture in TSB or scrape from Blood TSA plates. Wash several times in PBS and resuspend to ~ 1010 CFU/mL (same as for e.coli) in PBS pH 7.4. NOTE: resuspending the PA (orange hue) looks like resuspending mucous-like gel.

I then add 10uL of an amine-reactive fluorophore (DCF-SE dissolved in DMSO) and incubate for 1hr room temp. This is done under N2 gas in glass container to limit oxidation of fluorophore. It is during this initial incubation that I notice the PA forms numerous clumps (not a giant clump) that is difficult to disrupt. 

If i proceed with the rest of the reaction, it gets worse.

Any ideas on how to prevent the clumping? EDTA or Tween?

I have tried this with both the PAO14 and Boston 41501 strains.

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