Hi, I need suggestion, I am working on association mapping of 220 genotypes. I used SSR primers. Kindly tell me how I recorded Data like 1 or 0 in excel sheet. if any dummy file is available please share for guideline.
just count each allele of one certain SSR-Marker in a 1/0-Manner and just give the alleles the names like this: SSR1allele1, SSR1allele2, SSR1allele3. After this you can calculate linkage phase (repulsion/coupling) etc. and all other parameters and relations very easy in a 1/0 matrix.
There is prosize software with fragment analyzer attached we calculate presence of band as 1 and where is its absence as 0 for allele at one locus...
you must have to amke excel sheet with sr. number ssr markers name number of loci each ssr have been genotyped....
Rest of other analysis including PIC; Gene Diversity; TASSEL 2.1 And structure softwrae 2.3.1 u need to seprately convert your raw genotypic data with template format available with in the software or from the website you include...i can collaborate in your manuscript based on authorship
thank you sir for your answer. I also have another question.
suppose, according to your instruction i have prepared file like this
Genotypes primer 1 P2 p3 P4 P5 --------------------
1 0 1 0 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1
5. 1 1 1 1 1
. so in
My question
when I run Gel of PCR product i used 100 bs DNA ladder. can I record primer according to ladder size? like if genotypes 1 showed band for P1 of about 20 bp and P2 show band 50 bp/. how I recorded ????
You should make a separate column of basepairs at which the marker is genotyped.....
Marker Position in (BP) as in Prosize software we keep by cursor manually the position at which we genotype the ladder maker. yes you can write the position