I am trying to transfect primary rat hippocampal neurons with two constructs - one encoding a soluble fluorescent protein and the other tagged protein of interest.

In transfected cells I always see protein amounts for the two constructs that seem to be inversely proportional to one another as judge by the fluorescence. For example cells that express 90% of the maximum of the red signal express only 10% of green signal seen in the highest expressing cells. Cells expressing high amounts of the green tagged protein express little of the red protein...and just about every ratio in between. Ideally I would like to have cells expressing a consistent ratio of each of the proteins for analysis.

The two vectors use the same promoters - but have different polyA sequences. Could this be driving this pattern of expression? However I also see these weird ratios of expression when expressing just two soluble fluorescent proteins from two individual but other otherwise identical constructs.

I have adjusted the ratios of the DNA vectors and also the total amount of DNA, but still seem to see the same variable amounts of co-expression.

Has anyone else seem something similar and have any additional suggestions?

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