I am using fuzzy logic to help decision-makers to get "quickly" and reliable decisions. I have collected many projects and I am interested on 12 parameters. So Finally my system has 12 inputs, each one has 3 membership functions(MFs), and one output with 4 MFs.
But I have a problem regarding the Inference system, i.e. If-Then-Rules. My parameters have a solid Relationship between them, so I think that I Don't have to consider all possible combination ( 3^12) but I have to make sure that my system got a good training and then I can trust him.
Before talking about the testing the system with a sall dataset, let's talk about the way I can consider all possible If then rules. should I come bach to each project and according to each one I see on which membership it belongs, or I use Simply the parameters ranges that I already realised and build my If-then-rules according to that?
One more question relating to unsuccessful projects. how could I consider these information (example: when a was low and b was Med and ….. Then the project X was insuccessful, Can I use it like this:
If a is Low and b is Med and …. Then output is not X ?)
I will more than happy f you share with me your experience so I can adapt it to my problem and act accordingly.
Thank you, and I am wainting for your interactions.
King Regards,