I am doing ddPCR for HIV targets (env, gag/LTR and 5'pol) with infected PBMCs. I am using uninfected PBMCs, SUPT1 cell lines as a negative control. I suddenly started having signal in my negative controls. I changed all my reagents, my bench and pipettes and even droplet reading oil. I repeated the experiment 4 times with the same signal in all my negative (bearing in mind that all the different controls are extracted at different times so it can't be an extraction contamination+ they were run through ddPCR before and were negative). I am not sure what could be plausible explanations other than a contamination in my samples/reagents?

P.S: the QX 200 ddPCR machine recently broke down and we fixed and serviced it (I don't know if that's related but mentioning it anyway).

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