Our lab purchased some pLV[shRNA]-LacI:T2A:Puro-U6/2xLacO vectors, the IPTG-inducible knockdown system, from Vector builder a while ago.

Recently, we have 3 students working on 3 different genes (3 shRNA constructs per gene). 2 of the 3 students didn't have any luck in getting the knockdown to work, while the 3rd student is still in the middle of setting up his experiment to test his constructs. Can anyone who has used this system before provide some advice?

They have tested IPTG at 0.25mM, 0.5mM and 1mM at 48h, 72h and 96h. Replenishing IPTG both daily and every other day. I've contacted the company but their advice was very general and we have already done what they have suggested.


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