I am currently tryig to do double immunfluorescent staining in myotubes but I could not be able to see a clear negative control.
As you may see in the presentation, I used two different kinds of negative control. 1) no primary antibody 2) Another cell line that should not be expressing desmin (fibroblast). In both of my negative controls I still have strong staining, especially localized in nuclei that I could not get rid of.
%4 PFA is my fixative agent. I am using donkey anti-rabbit (AF488) and donkey anti-goat (AF568) secondary antibodies in 1/5000 dilution.There is not any negative staining in Texas red but in FITC. I do all the washes with %0,5 PBS(T) and 15 minutes. I used 1% FBS and 5% BSA blocking but there was no change. Moreover, I changed the cell type and do the experiment in C2C12 myoblasts but still the same result. Finally, I did desmin staining on its own but negative control was not clear again with donkey anti-rabbit (AF488) but when we do double staining in skeletal muscle tissue, the result was satisfying; no staining observed at negative control.
What could have gone wrong with the cells or antibodies? Any ideas?
Thank you for your kind answers.