I have tried to get some lung fibroblast from mice by using the following method: perfusing the lung with PBS and cut the lung into small pieces, about 1mm. I used the digestion buffer: 1mg/ml collagenase IV and 50U/L Dnase in 5%FBS DMEM. The digestion tube was kept shaking in a 37℃ incubator for 30 minutes. After digestion, I centrifuged the tube at 1000rpm for 5 minutes and discard the supernant. Resuspended the pellet in RBC lysis buffer and kept on ice for 4 minutes, neutralized and centrifuged it and discard the supernatant, resuspended the cells in 10% DMEM and culture. After 24 hours, I change the medium.
However, the cells I extracted seemed attached and growed very slowly. Maybe after a week, I can see the shape of attached fibroblast. There still need several days to let them grow into confluence. As I don't have much experience in growing the lung fibroblast, could someone tell me that whether it is right or not for taking such a long time for these fibroblast to attach and grow?
Another question is, the cells I extracted showed a myofibroblast phenotype and seems like to differenciate in a very early passage(maybe passage 2-3). Whether this question is related to the intense or insufficient of the digestion?