I am Trying to use Infusion cloning to prepare a mutant construct. I have been told by a student that used it before that I need 20ng/ul of linearised plasmid to proceed with the following reaction:
3ul linearised plasmid
1ul Mutant gene (PCR product) with infusion designed primers attached
1ul Infusion Enzyme
Incubate for 15 mins at 50C
I have tried several restriction digests followed by extraction using a
ISOLATE II Genomic DNA Kit - Bioline. And always seem to get a low yield of linearised plasmid the best I got yesterday was 10.2ng/ul which is half as much as recommended. I tried the Infusion reaction anyway and it did not work. I am thinking because the concentration of Linearised plasmid was too low. I have tried the restriction and extraction several time and always get 10-13ng/ul.
I feel like I am burning through both time and kit, any suggestions on how to get more linearised plasmid? OR on using infusion specifically, (pOPINS) plasmid?