Hi all,

I have a somewhat basic question. But as I did not do such experiments before I was hoping someone could provide me with a quick answer whether what I am thinking to do is the correct way.

I have cells for which I need to do a kinetic proliferation assay over 8 weeks to see the effect of drug treatment on their growth. These cells like a particular cell density range and also for some reason grow best in 96 wp wells only. So I need to replate them every week and stick to 96 wp format. They also differentiate on the way in this culture media and most probably will have a differential kinetics at different phases of culture over the duration of experiment. So I want to see not only endpoint cell outputs but also kinetics for different phases,

I was thinking to plate say 100k cells, in a week measure the total cell number, say it is 400k. Doubling coefficient is 4x. I replate them 100k again, next week I get say 350k, the coefficient is 3.5x. So I put on the graph points 100k, 100k*4=400k and 100k*4*3.5=1400k and so on and that will be my growth curve.

I can also transform the cell number axis to a log format. Or I can plot not the cell numbers but doubling coefficient themselves to see how drug treatment affects them every week.

If drug treated cells will be dying more/growing less, I will be still matching the replated cell numbers for treated and control cells every time.

Is this correct?

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