We are in the process of determining the title and making one-step growth curves for lytic phages, but we are at a point where dilutions up to 10ˆ-54 result in complete lysis.... no counting of plaques is possible! We are getting phage titres in the order of 10ˆ31 - 10ˆ54, which is obviously not possible!!!
And we diluted initially the phage suspension at 1:10000 (1 µL phage suspension + 9999 µL phage buffer)...... I guess that endolysins are playing a role here, but even with a phage suspension diluted initially 10 thousand times?
This is happening only with two lytic phages for Klebsiella pneumoniae, both with siphovirus morphotypes!
Anyone can suggest a solution for this? Help would be greatly appreciated.....