Is there a method to get the daily fine mode fraction (FMF) or small mode fraction from MODIS along with the daily aerosol optical depth data for 550 nm for a given location.
Fine Mode Fraction is considered a diagnostic parameter for how the algorithm is performing. It does not give a useful measure of the proportion of fine mode aerosol. The MODIS team does not recommend this parameter to be used to determine the fine mode fraction of aerosol over land. In fact the Fine Mode Aerosol Optical Depth
parameter is no longer included in the colleciton 6 product for the land retrieval.
The ocean product in collections 5 and 6 contains parameters which report fine and coarse mode AOD separately and the fine mode fraction.
You can also have a look at the Angstrom Exponent (AE)
This is often used as a qualitative indicator of mean particle size
(approximately, AE of about 2 indicate small particles, e.g. pollution or biomass burning, AE