I am using a package in R called "miRNAtap" where you enter a microRNA ID and it returns aggregated targets from 4 most commonly cited prediction algorithms: DIANA , Miranda , PicTar and TargetScan.
It returns the targets in entrez IDs and I just want to change the table in a way that it shows hence symbols (Gene Names).
here is my code:
biocLite("org.Hs.eg.db") #Then, let’s load the required libraries library(miRNAtap)
library(topGO) library(org.Hs.eg.db)
mir = 'miR-10b' predictions = getPredictedTargets(mir, species = 'hsa', method = 'geom', min_src = 2)
I can use the biomaRt package and enter the entrez IDs manually but I want to introduce the entrez ID column to R and use biomaRt package to convert automatically.
Can some one help me with the code?