BH plot is important to know the stoichiomeric ratio and the binding constant. It is a mathematical equation which needs absorption data. It will be better, if you do search BH plot in google scholar. Also I can give you some article links. You can find it there.
For jobs plot you have to take absorbance data of substituents in different ratio just like 1:10, 2:8, 3:7,.........10:1. Then you plot Abs. vs concentration graph. For details you just go through the below link.
Please, be aware of the trouble with Job's plot. Although it's a classic approach that has been used hundreds of times, its not really the best way to look at stoichyometry.
check out this:
D. Brynn Hibberta and Pall Thordarson. The death of the Job plot, transparency, open science and online tools, uncertainty estimation methods and other developments in supramolecular chemistry data analysis. Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12792.
F. Ulatowski, K. Dąbrowa, T. Bałakier, and J. Jurczak. Recognizing the Limited Applicability of Job Plots in Studying Host−Guest Interactions in Supramolecular Chemistry. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 1746.