If a tissue sample is stored in Deep Freezer (-20 C) for a few days, and then thawed to room temperature before Histopathology analysis, will it affect the result?
So, in other words., It will not be a total waste, if the samples has been frozen, but there might b slight interfierence or noise or disturbance in the result ? is tat right Mr.Ravi Pottahil !!
If you are cutting frozen sections I would freeze the tissue fast initially at very cold temperature, store at -80 and then don't thaw before cutting. Thawing and refreezing slowly will introduce more ice crystals and damage tissue.
If the tissue will be processed for parafin embedding, then go straight to formalin solution instead of freezing.
Try not to freeze the tissue... if you can cut the sections you can store them free floating in the freezer in a solution of sucrose and ethylene glycol for several months prior to staining. If you require cryostat sections then just freeze and then cut sections without thawing