I am using nmake (MS VS2010) to compile a UDF for Ansys Fluent 16.2.

The UDF calls functions from a library that are partly provided in the form of .lib files (e.g. cblas.lib and lapacke.lib).

The stand-alone version of the library compiles fine in MS VS2010, but when using nmake  to produce the libudf.dll for Fluent, I get "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol" error messages, and finally "libudf.dll : fatal error LNK1120: # unresolved externals".

This is the same error message I get if I fail to specify the additional dependencies in the MS VS2010 linker properties dialogue, so I am suspecting that there is something wrong with the way I have set up the makefile, and that it is not able to utilize the .lib files I am providing.

If I could get some advice on how to configure the makefile, that would be great.

In advance, thank you!

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