Currently I am cloning a 59 bp shRNA into a 6990 bp vector. The shRNA contains 5' phosphate. I did a double-digestion of the vector with Xho I and Hind III. Then I run a gel to confirm that the vector is properly digested and I'm happy with the digestion result.

I prepared a 20 ul ligation reaction with 100 ng vector, 2.53 ng shRNA (1:3 vector insert ratio), 2 ul T4 DNA ligase buffer (10X), 0.2 ul T4 DNA ligase (350 unit / ul) and nuclease free water. I run the reaction at 16 C overnight (16 hrs). Then I heat-inactivated the ligation reaction at 65 C for 15 min. I used 5 ul of the ligation reaction for transformation with 50 ul E. coli competent cells and incubated overnight at 37 C. Result: I did not get any colony on ligation plate, no colony on ligation negative control plate, no colony on transformation negative control plate, but got colony on transformation positive control plate.

Rest of the ligation reaction I run on a gel and result: the band matched with the double-digested vector.

I run the experiment several times with changing amount of vector, shRNA, T4 DNA ligase and each time I got the similar result.

Can anybody help me with ideas what else I can do to get a successful clone?

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