Many people are asking how mathematicians can participate in the ongoing scientific research related to the treatments of the problems caused by the pandemic of the covid-19 ?
Looking broadly(considering aspects of contamination propagation, and treatment), this is a highly nonlinear dynamical problem involving, for sure quantum mechanics/quantum chemistry, transport theory, and so on. For sure the mathematical modeling for those approaches are non trivial and need as much as bright people as possible to model them.
I am considering here not only how to treat de disease by itself, as develping a vacine, but also considering the aspects of the virus propagation dynamic in air and in fomites.
Thank you so much for this insightful information and the informative website that you provided.
The question now, is there any mathematical research paper related to mathematical models for guiding policies and analyzing data on COVID-19 or any other aspects in this area, has been appeared so far ? if so, please refer to it.
Mathematics is a king of all sciences, all data analysis or computing/visualisation is based on mathematical models/algorithms/methods/techniques etc. Mathematics do all the jobs, all other sciences are its fundamental varied tools.