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Questions related from Muhammad Ali
MATLAB codes for generating a collection of positive definite matrices for signals/images/videos data base will be much appreciated.
11 April 2020 5,913 2 View
During the last few years deep learning algorithms have on one hand boom of fame and on the other hand a boom of the lack of theoretical justification. Let us assume that it is currently good...
10 January 2020 1,663 3 View
Since the last two decades, global warming is one of the hot topic of discussion among various classes of humans on earth. Politicians, scientists and religious scholars have their own different...
10 January 2020 417 6 View
Since the last two decades there is a tremendous amount of boom towards graduation in IT. However., recently it have been observed that the job market for IT graduates is almost saturated. So what...
01 January 1970 9,691 4 View
To me, Distance, Space and Time are the ever-most important ingredients for mathematical based sciences and mathematics itself at the most. Every human being know and understand mathematics...
01 January 1970 270 3 View
In a general artificial intelligence or machine learning, other than many computer based ad-hoc techniques, why are the exact or direct methods/algorithms not sufficiently good/efficient in...
01 January 1970 6,417 6 View
Why Deep Learning (DL) algorithms need at least double or several folds of data for better pattern analysis (or best pattern detector algorithms) in comparison to the conventional three layers or...
01 January 1970 4,315 2 View
It often coming into my practical experiences, and I am feeling empty proportionally as much I am getting close to the research and development and watching the world with bare eyes!!! In yours...
01 January 1970 4,123 7 View
Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the...
01 January 1970 6,937 4 View
Recently, the Corona virus have devastating attacks over China, but fortunately, due to strong economy and good precautionary measures, there are big hopes that success against the so-called...
01 January 1970 534 5 View