Get jobs outside the country: If you want to study, or work, or housing in the State of speaking in English, you must provide an assessment of English IELTS level exam, which increases the chance of getting a job or excellent study opportunities, as required by some States, such as: Australia, Canada, United Kingdom English language proficiency in terms of conversation, writing, reading, listening, as a prerequisite for immigration visa for them
"How do you think English might help you advance professionally? -- You ask.
Yes, English language became very important to develop our profession. It is because of English that I can exchange perspectives and viewpoints with colleagues all over the world. English also allowed me to publish several paper in prestigious scientific journals and serve as reviewer for such journal. If it were not English I coud not have been an associate researcher at the Dep. of Psychologist, Indiana University, USA. On the other hand we are almost obliged to master a language that is not our mother language. This is a disadvantage with relation to our colleagues that are native Engish speakers.
ESP can guarantee ur success for vocational and scientific purposes. English as lingua franca can also help u to be the international citizen of the world.
English has turned into an international lingua franca dominating all spheres of scientific, economic, and political life throughout the globe. The language spread has penetrated all domains of academic endeavor . As such, by learning it, individuals can dramatically advance in modern professions whereby intercultural communication enjoys a normative value. As Abhijit Naskar states, " English is the language through which we reach the hearts from various corners of the world. English is the language through which we flirt with our species. English is the language through which we make our species think.” On this basis, English can help us professionally.
My command of English allows me to travel all over the word, to exchange perspectives with colleagues from almost all the world and learn fron them. When we master English language we can more easily become a citizen of the world. Even so, sometimes I think that if it fair to be to make use of a languge that, say, was almost imposed on us by the most powerful country in the world. Sometimes I get the impression that we have not our papers published because reviewers easily recongnize that we are not native English speaker. Why publishers have not experts in mastering other language, such as Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and so forth forth, such that it was possible to submit our paper wriiten in our mother-language. Because I am not a native English speaker it is often the case that I experience some difficulty with expressing my deepest ideas and fellings. I am sure that I am not alone regarding this issue.
Of course, I respect USA citizens as I respect citizens from all countries. But that a powerful country impose on us to make use of its languages does not go with problems of fairness and justice.
Tourism will be growing around the world. The more languages an individual speaks WELL the more they will be respected by their peers and the more they will be sought after by employers.
English is a global language which is written and spoken across the continents. Yes, the proficiency in English language and skills of writing/speaking significantly contribute in individuals professional growth.
Most of papers I read wrote English. It is much important source of scientific information for me. Moreother, I use English in my foreign trips. It is very useful not only in Finland or Hungary, where languages are fully unknown for me, even in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Poland is much easily communicate using English, altrough their languages considered as close to my native Russian... There are few exclucions, one of these is Italy, there out of tourists routes impossible to find somebody, who speak English. As result "Io capisco l'italiano, ma non parlo..."