11 November 2016 3 4K Report

Hi everyone,

I am facing HUGE difficulty in growing Ramos (Human Burkitt's lymphoma B cells).

Here's my media recipe:

RPMI 1640

1x Glutamax (100x Glutamax stock from Thermofisher)

10000U PenStrep Antibiotics

20% FCS

My resuscitation and culture methods:

I resuscitated Ramos cells (previously stored down at 10% DMSO, 90% FCS) from liquid nitrogen storage and thawed aliquots in 37˚C water bath before diluting out the DMSO with fresh media. I then centrifuged the cells at 1500rpm for 5 mins, removing the media completely after. Resuspended with 5mL of fresh media and did a cell count. The counts I got was approximately 6x10^5 cells/mL, 93% viable cells. I then topped up with 5mL of fresh media and cultured the cells in T25 tissue culture flask (placed upright). I also changed the media next day to make sure that no residual DMSO was left in the culture. 

Two days later, I did a cell count and found that I got 97% viable cells at 1.2x10^6 cells/mL in T25 flask. I decided to split the culture (did a 1 in 2 dilutions- Added 10mL of fresh media to 10mL of existing culture) and transferred the entire 20mL of culture into a T75 flask. The next day when I counted the cells again, they were dead (~approx 90% cell death, confirmed with Trypan blue staining). Growing 10% viable population was tough even in 24 well plate. I ended up having to resuscitate another vial from the liquid nitrogen storage tank. 

A shoutout to the experts using Ramos cells in their research projects, do you encounter similar issues? Do you have a successful protocol for culturing Ramos? Also, if you have identified any possible mistakes in my culture techniques, could you please let me know? 

Your attention to this post is deeply appreciated.

Kind regards,


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