J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 1038–1052, Charge-reduced nano electrospray ionization combined with differential mobility analysis of peptides, proteins, glycoproteins, noncovalent protein complexes and
viruses by Bacher, G. et al.
Mind that they worked with dry particles so the EMD is different to the hydrodynamic diameter of analytes...
Hi! If you have nice homogeneous and purified protein you can try also dynamic light scattering method. Othervise, you can use calculator built in in the Zetasizer software produced by Malvern Instrument as an estimation. Size of particles of some proteins (cytochrome, lysozyme, BSA...) were experimentally measured and a plot was constructed which is surprisingly good and valid also for other globular proteins. Based on this plot calculator is working and Mw of 10kDa corresponds to particle radius of 1.59nm, 20kDa to 2.14nm, 40kDa to 2.88nm......100kDa to 4.26nm....of course the shape of the molecules is important and these values are valid for globular molecules.
Proteins are complicated! There is no universal rule for correlating size and molecular weight, since different proteins, and even the same protein in different environments, have different conformations.
There are formulas that relate the size and molar mass of the most common conformations: globular, linear (completely unfolded), etc. But there are many proteins such as intrinsically disordered proteins that do not follow any of these. And if you are concerned with oligomers, complexes, aggregates or other assemblies such as amyloid fibrils, really there is no universal formula even if you know the size of the monomer.
Gels and SEC are not good solutions since they depend on charge and other interactions with the matrix. SEC, in particular, assumes a specific relationship between size and molar mass derived from globular proteins and so cannot be correct for any protein that is not globular or otherwise interacts non-ideally with the column.
Therefore, if you really want to know the molar mass and size of a protein in a specific buffer or other solution, you have to measure both quantities. As Sannula pointed out, SEC-MALS is an ideal method since it measures molecular weight in solution, independently of the column retention time. With the same instrumentation you can also measure size, and therefore learn about the protein's conformation in its environment. See www.wyatt.com/SEC-MALS for more info.
BTW, a 1000 kDa protein is not even close to 1 micron! More like 10 nm in radius.
Using Equation 2.1 of Erickson's work on protein size, we can estimate the size of a globular protein.
In it's shortest form, we can assume V(nm3)=1.212x10-3(nm3/Da) x MW(Da)
Erickson, H. P. (2009). Size and shape of protein molecules at the nanometer level determined by sedimentation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy. Biological procedures online, 11(1), 32.
The lipoprotein assembly known as LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, has a diameter of approximately 20 nm. This nanoparticle is the main cholesterol carrier in the blood.
Hydrodynamic, or Stokes, radius of a particle is the radius of a hard sphere that diffuses at the same rate as that particle. When we are considering proteins, they are of course not hard particles, but complex folds of varying compactness and shape. The hydrodynamic radius of a peptide chain can thus vary depending on its folding state. For this reason, when converting hydrodynamic radius to molecular weight we can provide approximate boundaries corresponding to a fully folded, globular peptide in its most compact state, and a fully unfolded chain that has the least compact state.
For the fully folded state the volume of the protein scales with the molecular weight, leading to a relationship of Rh ∝ MW1/3, while for unfolded proteins the relationship is approximately Rh ∝ MW0.6.
For a graph detailing this relationship, as well as a tool to make the conversion for both folded and unfolded proteins visit https://www.fluidic.com/resources/faq/convert-hydrodynamic-radius-to-mw/
It should help you to know that the densities of proteins are fairly consistent. Values ranging from 1.22 to 1.43 g/cm3 have been reported, according to this paper:
Article Average protein density is a molecular-weight-dependent function
Yes, the volume - density calculation is a good estimate and first approximation, as stated by Matias Moller . An even better method - in my view - is to use an empirical relationship from a series of size measurements from globular proteins. See
kDa is an unit of molecular size, while, Microns is an unit of distance or in other words molecular diameter. Simply, a solution containing 2 or 100 molecules or two elements A ,B with MW 2 KDA,100 KDA, respectively can have the same size in microns but MW may vary though. One cannot arrive at a direct relationship between kDa and Microns. Always get your membranes from manufacturers who are willing to divulge pore size in microns instead of just kDa