I am collecting rare cell types from the nematode C. elegant by FACS for RNA extraction and subsequent sequencing. For some populations we get 5,000 - 10,000 cells. We sort directly into TRIzol LS, then use phase lock heavy gel tubes and isopropanol precipitation, followed by DNase (Zymo) treatment and clean-up with a Zymo Clean-up and concentrator kit. Our RNA extractions have been highly variable in yield and quality. In optimizing the protocol, I have found that leaving out the DNase Treatment, I can reliable and consistently get RNA out of as few as 7,500 cells. The RNA concentrations range from 300 - 3000 pg/uL (as measured by Bioanalyzer Pico chip). The average RIN is around 7.5 - 8.0. DNase I treatment of the samples almost always results in decreased quantity and RIN values. I've posted three images of Bioanalysis profiles from the same samples before (left) and after (right) DNase I treatment. Any help on how to avoid this loss of quality and quantity would be gratefully appreciated!

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