polymers like polypyrrole...I need a detailed procedure ...most of articles do not explain in detail I would be thankful if you coud advise me on some thesis about the subject.
Pyrrole needs to be an ionic solution before conducting an electrochemical deposition because it belongs to a neutral molecular instead of cation or anion. In my lab, We didn't use polypyrrole due to its huge weight of molecules, which may not be dragged easily under electrodeposition. You may add few iron chloride into an electrodeposition bath to dissociate pyrrole. You can find out the condition of electrochemical deposition (ECD) by linear scanning Voltammetry. Hope these helpful.
Thank you Huei-Yu Chou . the composite's electrochemical characteristics are not important for me I just want to deposit the composite and remove it from the electrode to use it for another purpose (which is not electrochemical...
Just so that I can understand your question are you trying to electrodeposite a layer of GO and then a layer PPy or is it a composite that you are trying to deposit?
This is a procedure that I have used before but we never published so you can use it as you please
Disperse GO (1mg/ml) and 0.01M pyrrole monomer in 1M HCl solution with continuous Stirring and inert gas purge. Setup you CV connections and sweep between -0.2V to +0.9V at 20mV/s, Wait for 45 - 60 min. a nice deposit of the PPy-GO composite can be onserved on the working electrode (GCE or Pt electrode). The longer the run the thicker the deposite. Once the deposit is thick enough dry it and either peel or scrape it off the electrode. It can get painfully long but if it works you can reap the reward too.
Let me know if you have any issues and if the process worked?
Thanks Srikanth ...I dont want this nanocomposite for electrochemical or optical and electronical applications I just want to characterize the surface and porosity. so based on this, is it possible to do the deposition with a 2 electrode cell without reference and on a ss316 electrode a working electrode?
1. In a 2 electrode system it is very difficult to control the potential resulting in electrolysis of the electrolyte (e.g. 1V you have water electrolysis)
2. I am not sure about what effect will SS316 have on the process. SS316 is used as electrode for industrial welding. You might be better off using a sacrificial electrode e.g. AAO
3. If there is some change that you can make then use an AAO electrode or a graphite electrode as working , a Pt counter electrode and use a source meter e.g. Keithley or an Agilent.
4. Apply a constant potential and keep a look out for the Amps.
5. An AAO electrode is a sacrificial electrode and and be dissolved by dipping in 1M NaOH. This could dedope you conducting polymer which can be re doped at low pH. Not really sure if it will have any effect on the Graphene.
6. Once AAO is dissolved you can retrieve your composite. On the contrary if you are using a graphite electrode. it will expand and adsorb the monomer followed by polymerization resulting in a graphite/graphene- polymer composite.
These are just some suggestions that I have but I am sure you can be innovative and come up with something brilliant. Good luck