I was browsing the Berlin Biennale Archive materials and saw that artists use sociological concepts for both explanation and creation of value there. This is very close to the concepts of social co-creation of value and the change of perspective from competency to activism in action research and design thinking.
Look at this for example:
THE 7TH BERLIN BIENNALE ARCHIVE: DRAFTSMEN'S CONGRESS, PAWEŁ ALTHAMER https://artmuseum.pl/en/archiwum/archiwum-7-berlin-biennale/2054?read=all
FORGET FEAR, Foreword by Artur Żmijewski http://blog.berlinbiennale.de/en/comments/forget-fear-a-foreword-by-artur-zmijewski-19528.html
Can you see any similarities and potential for cooperation? Is a joint conference of these artists and action/design researchers a good idea?
Richard Kleczek
Look also into my discussion: Does the new (attention: shocking) interpretation of Manet's Olympia develop knowledge about social processes of value creation?