How to develop the research on customer value?
There are two unambiguous points as to the definition, what the customer value is:
1.Customer value = the motivation in buyer behavior/criterion for purchasing decisions.
2. Value proposition (VP) = a supplier’s offer impact on customer value.
But there are discrepancies/ambiguities in customer value theory & empirical research. B2b Customer value concept (based on NPV, non-financial and financial value drivers) is a non-perceptual, long-term oriented concept...
Kleczek R (2014) NPV-relevant product description and b2b marketing contribution to value creation. Management and Business Administration. Central Europe. VOL. 22, NO. 4(127), 2014, 109-117.
Kleczek R (2017) Where is value in value proposition Marketing i Rynek 4/2017, 4-11.
...but b2c customer value is a perceptual, short term oriented concept.
My questions:
1. Is it a good idea to try to develop the non-perceptual concepts & frameworks of consumer value (to use the non-perceptual and long-term oriented b2b customer value concept in consumer research)? Have you seen any examples of such research attitude?
2. Is it a god idea to use the perceptual and short term of consumer value concepts in research of b2b buying decision? Have you seen any examples of such research attitude? What is your evaluation of such attitude?
3. Is it a good idea to use the perceptual, short-term concepts in research of consumer decisions concerning their investments (in education for instance)? Have you seen any examples of such research attitude?
4. Would you formulate other questions or suggestions on the topic?