32 Questions 290 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Brian Barnard
i would like to construct a data set of/ containing a) sovereign (country) risk-free rates - likely repo rates - and b) sovereign credit ratings - the credit rating of the particular country i...
24 September 2019 2,346 3 View
Hi, I have a number of topics in entrepreneurship/ innovation that I seek collaboration on. The topics are currently listed under my preprints, and can be found there. The literature reviews are...
27 February 2018 8,017 3 View
How would the person that went to an university/ has formal education argue that he is better of than the person that is self-taught or that has no formal education, but that is self-employed or...
20 February 2018 2,809 12 View
Mathematics or finance masters or doctoral students can look at decomposing credit rating matrices from market prices as research project. the project page is given below. Current research...
01 January 1970 5,845 1 View
What is the best way to find the optimal solution of a non convex non linear optimization problem that really constitutes finding the optimal/ best combination of one member each from a number of...
01 January 1970 2,826 18 View
From a combinatorics perspective, what if what you are requiring of the optimization algorithm is too scattered? In other words, from a combinatorics perspective, what if what you are requiring in...
01 January 1970 944 3 View
with evolutionary algorithms, i understand the concept of recombination and mutation, and that offspring may essentially constitute or approximate - be seen as - sub-populations. but, what if your...
01 January 1970 5,562 4 View
Are there optimization problems that require and use partial derivatives higher than the 2nd order? I.e. 3rd, 4th, 5th order partial derivatives used for and during optimization, particularly...
01 January 1970 367 3 View
How good are evolutionary algorithms with equality constraints? I must add the objective function is specified as the sum of absolutes. I need/ want to use equality constraints to guide the...
01 January 1970 7,493 3 View
What is the best/ next step if you suspect the evolutionary algorithm recombines and mutates in an inferior way, for your nonvonvex nonlinear optimization problem? Write your own heuristic? How do...
01 January 1970 2,164 4 View
Up To what resolution can non-linear optimization problem algorithms work and solve nonlinear optimization problems? I have a simulation as test case, so i know the global solution, and the...
01 January 1970 2,171 4 View
What impact does the initial solution have in the case of non-linear optimization problems and (solved by) evolutionary algorithms? For instance, initial solutions have an impact with linear...
01 January 1970 4,985 4 View
With non-linear optimization, when you are interested in the different possible local solutions, because it can help you towards the optimal (global) solution, and to identify the optimal...
01 January 1970 3,101 3 View
What is the best way to choose initial solutions for a non-linear optimization problem sensitive to the initial solution? If you have a significant number of optimization problem coefficients (50...
01 January 1970 3,959 8 View
Can higher order partial derivatives be derived or approximated from lower order partial derivatives? There is no specific equation to state the partial derivatives, but they can be measured...
01 January 1970 8,304 10 View
With a non-linear optimization problem, can insensitivity to the initial solution be interpreted as a global solution, or (high) probability of a global solution?
01 January 1970 6,534 4 View
Can higher order partial derivatives be used to move non-linear programming problems from local solutions towards the global solution? That is, Partial derivatives of order greater than 2nd order.
01 January 1970 6,499 5 View
Entrepreneurship or leadership masters or doctoral students looking for a research project, can look at the following project. Research questionnaire included on the project...
01 January 1970 1,322 3 View
If you were to teach entrepreneurship in levels or stages, how would you do this? How many stages or levels would you have, and what would you teach at each stage or level? What would be very...
01 January 1970 5,454 29 View
how would you identify industry-entrepreneurship gaps? some governments, and other players, select certain industries to support or not support, that they feel are (most) promising or outdated,...
01 January 1970 913 8 View
What do you perceive as good topics for applied research in entrepreneurship and innovation? Note the emphasis on applied research.
01 January 1970 7,241 20 View
how would you measure *radical* innovativeness? that is, not merely innovativeness, but specifically the ability to bring about radical or disruptive or breakthrough innovation.
01 January 1970 1,561 9 View
How can big data contribute to entrepreneurship research? How would you use BD to gain insight into entrepreneurship - what would you look at - and what data would you gather and utilize?
01 January 1970 7,579 15 View
what would be the optimal method, cost, and benefit to make certain online content "free" - in other words, ensuring no data charges on certain websites or content? for example, corporate...
01 January 1970 1,361 6 View
How relatively easy or difficult is it to transition and move informal entrepreneurs to formal entrepreneurs? What is required? What is the best approach, or what approach would you follow? What...
01 January 1970 7,819 27 View
according to you, what constitutes an effective strategy to deal with and channel necessity entrepreneurship? also, to make something (more) of it, and to turn it into something more constructive...
01 January 1970 6,004 17 View
what would be the potential for a private organization to run a country's entrepreneurship program? would it be more successful than government running the said program? assume that funding is...
01 January 1970 1,203 8 View
Should government lead entrepreneurship? Is government able and positioned/ in the right position to lead entrepreneurship? Is government up to managing and leading entrepreneurship? Is...
01 January 1970 5,662 45 View
What would you see, regard, and define as the most lucrative, promising and rewarding entrepreneurship opportunities? Would it be a) science-based, b) (emerging) technology based, c) radical...
01 January 1970 1,160 12 View
to what extent has the relationship between spiritual intelligence (SQ) and economic output been examined? how well developed or researched is it? for example, constructive/ destructive zeitgeist...
01 January 1970 8,043 4 View
what is the difference(s) between a speculative grade risk-free (gov) bond and an investment grade risky bond, for instance a corporate vanilla bond? both has an extent of default risk. would a...
01 January 1970 10,001 8 View
How would you solve chicken and egg problems in social contexts? Many social problems are equally chicken and egg problems. For instance, A can benefit from a stronger B, but B requires a stronger...
01 January 1970 6,267 2 View