I was just reading Antonio Lucero's comment in the question "What is the next paradigm shift in respect to neuroscience?" when something struck me. He says:

"...paradigm changes we need to discover will come from people who can use both their intuition and their logic, (i.e., both “right brain” and “left brain” processing) as is appropriate for each part of the problems to be solved."

Now, ignoring the notion of 'right brain' vs. 'left brain', there seems to be significant truth to the idea that intuition is a major component of learning and discovery. The question I want to pose is: is there a way to teach intuition? Or perhaps I mean: is there a way to guide people's intuition formation so that it is built on scientific reality? Perhaps adding a major element of kinesthetics to teaching the hard sciences? I feel like traditional lab classes try to do that now, but in my experience, they fail miserably.

Link to the original question I referenced: https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_is_the_next_paradigm_shift_in_respect_to_neuroscience

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